Jun 16Liked by Rick Thoman

Looks like a respite this year

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Still time for things to change, but the clock is ticking.

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Yes, and Russia may have problems, but the feeling I'm getting is that the Alaskan and western Canadian burn seasons are going to be short this year.

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Thank you, Rick. The slower start is good news, but as you point out, it's early in fire season. Do the tundras have heavier vegetation this year?

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Given that snowmelt was only a month ago in these areas in NW Alaska, I'd guess that most of what's burning is last year's dead vegetation.

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A completely different environment, of course, but California's wet winter contributed to vegetation growth which is now potential tinder from heat conditions. Wondering if the same worry applies to Alaska tundra to any degree?

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Northern wildfire is almost entirely determined by the weather in the early and mid-summer. In Alaska there's no correlation between seasonal area burned and the previous cold season precipitation. An early snowmelt can lead to an early start of the wildfire season but not correlated with the overall season.

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